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Operation Awesome Feels the Winter with January Winters! ☃️

Well, it's the start of January and the new year, and if you’re living in the Northern Hemisphere, you’re either probably not (or maybe you are) looking forward to the snow that comes with the winter season in your area, or you’re probably not (or maybe you are) thrilled with the snow that already came with the winter season in your area. But what if you didn’t get cold from the snow, but from something that gave you the chills in middle school? You’re guaranteed to get those chills for sure, because the fifth chapter of Operation Awesome, titled "January Winters", has officially been released for free on the website!

But enough about that - let's get back to the story! Be prepared for an annoying student, a split with disastrous ramifications, and a detention that seems unfair.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, but this is far from the end of Kendrick's journey! Chapter Six, titled “February Love”, will be arriving on the website on February 1st. As for what's next, you can say that some love will be in the air for Kendrick when this story resumes.

Until then, stay enlightened, educated, and entertained, folks.

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