Sep 1, 2022Operation Awesome Begins with September Beginnings! 🏫Well, it’s the start of September, and if you're a child in grade school, that means you’re probably not (or maybe you are) looking...
Aug 1, 2022Announcing A Chapter Book for Patreon: Operation Awesome!Hello everyone, and I am happy to announce that the Operation Awesome page is officially up on Naimoli Universe! Also, I have joined...
May 31, 2022A Completely Diverse World of Kidlit, And What Remains for Us to Reach ItHello everyone, and I have a wonderful surprise to share with you all today! In my last semester of college, I had a comics journalism...
Sep 4, 2021Welcome To The New Naimoli Universe!Hello everyone, and welcome to the first post of the official website for the new Naimoli Universe! My name is Tyler Joshua Naimoli, and...